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Lowertown, Saint Paul, MN

Lowertown Landing is dedicated to supporting the continued growth and rejuvenation of the Lowertown historic district of Saint Paul, Minnesota.

Lowertown Classics #1 - Concert Series


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Lowertown Classics #1 - Concert Series

  • Artist Coop 255 Kellogg Blvd Saint Paul, MN 55101 (map)


Explore live classical music performed by top performers in an unusual scenery, the lofts of lowertown! Followed by a wine reception in one of the lofts.
FREE - donation at the door
Follow the door signs to the 3rd floor atrium.

Program for Feb 7, 2014
(part of Lowertown First Fridays)

Carl Phillip E. Bach - Sonata in A minor 
Toru Takemitsu - The voice
Catherine Ramirez, flute 

Letters from Composers - by Minnesota´s Dominick Argento
Max Wojtanowicz, tenor and Eva Beneke, guitar

Ca. 1 hr music - stay for some wine after the show!
About Eva Beneke, Artistic director:

Berlin-born guitarist Eva Beneke is a classically trained musician, arranger, composer and international performer. Eva was honored to share the stage with musicians such as country singer Carrie Underwood, conductor Kent Nagano, the BBC-award winning vocalists "Only Men Aloud," guitarist Scott Tennant and Twin Cities favorite Dessa, to name a few.

Eva is based in Saint Paul, Minnesota where she teaches classical guitar at McNally Smith College of Music to aspiring young professional musicians.

In 2012 Guitar Salon International released her second album, In Dulci Jubilo - A Classical Guitar Christmas, which was featured on Christmas Eve 2012 on National Public Radio.

Earlier Event: February 7
50 Shades of Red